Balancing Crafting and Combat Skills

Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:49 am

So I've come back to Skyrim relatively recently, and have been trying a bunch of different builds and I've noticed that I am terrible at balancing my combat skills and crafting skills. How do you guys usually balance your combat and crafting skills so you don't over level and become too weak/powerful too fast?

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:32 am

Oh for me that has turned out to be quite the journey.

I prefer playing as a vampire necromage. The synergy between vampirism and the necromage perk produces some interesting and potentially incredibly powerful effects.

However, getting your restoration to 70 as soon as possible coupled with the non-regenerating health, magicka and stamina of vampirism in daylight means that until at least level 40 you end up being a glass cannon.

Yes, there is barely an enemy in the game your illusion spells won't effect and all spells, potions and enchantments are more powerful as well but this is off-set by all enemies having a lot more combat levels than you (As that is all they level.) and the need to carefully manage your stats.

I never put more than five level-ups in health and stamina respectively either.

For weaponry I use the restoration potion loop to create a sword and bow that do quite a bit of damage. To offset that I don't use any perks that increase damage output nor enchantents of that effect.

This is how I create a balance that I find fun to play and keeps me carefully managing my resources until endgame, when the payoff happens and you do become a vampire necromage demigod.

You can do the same by experimenting until you have found that combination of skill build, weapon and armour strength, perks and enchantments that give you the playing experience you find most enjoyable.

Skyrim is very flexible in allowing you to play exactly as you desire, so there is a sweet spot out there for you, you just have to find it.

Good luck. :)

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kat no x
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:30 am

I balance the game myself. The (0/5) perks stay at 1 and I use my skills to do the crafting. I don't use Fortify Blacksmith gear to improve my armor or weapons. I use the skill only. If it says flawless then it stays that way. If I feel that I need something more I may do the (2/5) but it has never been necessary. It's just overkill.

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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:27 pm

I had this issue on my most recent character. I reached 30, and soon realized that my combat skills were what you would expect for a level 23 character. Much of that over leveling came from too much alchemy and enchanting. So this time around I am trying to focus just on enchanting, but only disenchanting until I feel I need to push it up sometime after level 30 or 40.

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