Roleplay: what is the best way to play Palpatine?

Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:09 pm

Forgive me if this thread does not fit in with Skyrim General Discussion, but I am seeking opinions on how one could most effectively play an Emperor Palpatine character, just as from the Star Wars films. It is my main one, and I believe I'm currently level 27.

I have completed the main quest with the understanding that I wish to create a sense of security and relative peace in Skyrim, so I could rise to the occasion and eventually lead the land. Additionally, I have been promoted to Legate of the Imperial Legion, the Archmage of the College of Winterhold, and the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. With all of these accomplishments achieved, I believe I have quite a reputation, both sinister and in public, a respectable one. My main skills are destruction (with much use of lightning spells) and two-handed weapons at the moment, yet I am advancing more over time, such as enchanting, illusion, alteration, restoration, conjuration, and speech. I mainly wear a black, hooded mage's robe and Dark Brotherhood boots, or an otherwise elaborate robe with more color, so this is not a character that wears much armor. I am generally able to manage fighting enemies quite competently on Adept Difficulty, yet when some stronger enemies get too close, I would need to sometimes consume multiple health potions to survive. Apparently, I haven't yet achieved a near-invincible level of power, but that's what I aspire to with this character. The character's race is a Breton.

How would you go about playing an Emperor Palpatine character? Has anybody else tried roleplaying this fictional character, one that in the Star Wars universe, is a sinister, powerful, and persuasive mastermind? I welcome your suggestions.

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:06 pm

Alteration, because Robes are not Armor. Paralysis. Telekenesis.

One Handed, Light Sabre and Bound Sword are similiar.

Conjuration, see above and Summonings.

Illusion, control of an opponents Mind.

Restoration for the Perks like Necromage and increased Magicka Regen.

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:37 am

Black hooded mage robes, dual cast sparks.

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:16 am

Yes, that is a staple for me, in addition to wielding a two-handed sword on occasion. I have yet to enchant anything beyond what I can normally find, however, and I'm still working towards that skill.

I think the general idea is to play a character with the intent of creating peace and prosperity to the eyes of the public, yet containing a ruthless, dark interior mind as befitting of a Sith Lord. This character is after all, the heroic Dragonborn as well as the head of the Dark Brotherhood, the Archmage, a Legion general, and an eventual Imperial throne claimant. Naturally, in the Elder Scrolls the Sith do not exist, yet this particular Palpatine is a Breton and Empire loyalist bent on rising to power from within. Even the name sounds suitable for one of Breton culture.

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:03 am

Summon Dremora Lords too. They look sorta like Sith Lords. lol. Aside from sparks, I would focus purely on shock magic exclusively.

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