My first character to not be a Daedra worshiper... hell, my first character to worship any Aedra period...
Started out as a simple, crazy idea of just committing mass genocide on the Nords for retribution of the Betrayed... He's actually a lot of fun. One-handed with purely frost magic and a shield, archery, and summoning only Frost Atronachs, Ice Wraiths and Wispmothers. Lost and alone, and desperate for guidance from Gelebor; he makes and it's way-shrines. He now wields Auri-El's holy bow and shield, and recently discovered he's The Nords seem happy a Dragonborn is here... boy are they in for a nasty surprise...
Going to finish the main-quest first... then lead the Betrayed to Gelebor can become High Priest of Auri-El and re-educate the Betrayed on Auri-El, peaceful living, and enlightenment through Anuic ancestor worship...