Morrowind didnt have fast travel, but it had... Learned Travel. Everyone who played it enough realized how the tricks worked. Between the silt striders, the boats, the propylon chambers, Mark and Recall, Almsivi and Divine Interventions and the Mage's Guild transports, the world could be travelled fairly quickly -- with experience.
Even having carriage only travel would make the world so tedious to get around. It needs more. And if they arent going to put all the stuff like i said in, then fast travel becomes a necessity. Like how do you get to Riften from like, anywhere? That one path thats overrun with monsters and cliffs and ruins fileld with things that kill everyone, or that other path that goes through Helgen and mountains?
In the end, fast travel has existed in every ES game, from Arena to Skyrim. It even half-existed in morrowind. I appreciate your sentiment, I really do. But... Its just not how it works. The game is not built for it. Now if you want to say, start an effort to get ES 6 built in a way that facilitates alternative forms of transportation, I'm right there with you.
But Skyrim, like Oblivion, is built with fast travel in mind. And thats just how it is. Its the same discussion as removing quest markers: yeah, that seems like a good idea, until you realize the game tells you virtually nothing about what to do. Theres not even a real journal. So half the time, you have no way of knowing where to go without the feature.