Displaying shirt when armor is off

Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:59 pm

I want shirt to stay equipped but hidden if something is on top (to avoid clipping). How would you do it guys?

I have something like that:

Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)			;Disables  display OnChestEquip	If akActor.IsEquipped(RealShirt) && (akBaseObject as Armor).GetSlotMask() == 4 		akActor.UnequipItem(FakeShirt, abSilent = true)		akActor.RemoveItem(FakeShirt, 1, true)		;Enables  display if chest is None	ElseIf ( akBaseObject as Armor ) == RealShirt && !akActor.GetWornForm(4)			akActor.EquipItem(FakeShirt, true, true)	EndIf	EndEvent

And similar thing for unequip but I hate this solution since when I add several more "IF's" for each additional item of this type everything gets clunky. I bet there is some simplier method. Any suggestions?

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Craig Martin
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