Do I Break Anything

Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:06 am

Blow off getting all the schematics for Sorine? The next installment of finding a schematic is in Solthstheim. The game is lagging pretty bad as is... as the game has auto-given me about 25 quests. I'm trying to get them done, to reduce the lag. I also suspect that Dawnguard has played a huge part in the constant crashing I have. If I can get past the first five minutes of turning the game on... I have a couple hours. So I want to get this done as fast as I can, to see if my game stabilizes. Never been to Solthstheim.

Do the Dawnguard actually take advantage of the tech I bring them? Or are these exploding whatever schematics only for my (the player's) benefit?

My character is an archer, and doesn't care about crossbows... But doesn't want to see any named NPCs go down... like the orc, or Agmaer.

Can i just blow it off?

Or do it after Dawnguard main quest is done?

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Elizabeth Lysons
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