Plugin is available at nexus: mods/30578
This plugin allows you to have follower squads, provides balanced salary system and context dependent order mechanics.
There are a lot of mods that just increase the follower limit. The goal of this plugin is to create balanced, less chaotic combat experience with focus on preparation. You can give orders to squads just like in Tactical Simulator or Real-Time Strategy.
You can have up to 120 followers in your party in any combinations. There are no limits for squad size or squads count!
Plugin doesn't change the native follower system, so it's compatible with most follower mods (including UFO)
Also, you don't have to take your troops with you (just define squads, send them to their homes and call only when you need some support)
How to define a squad:
1) Select the squad leader (use dialogues)
2) Attach other followers to leader ("Mark this person" -> "Attach the marked person")
Most characters won't join your party for free. There is a daily salary for all members. The more salary value you set the more advanced followers you can hire. Salary is affected by player's reputation and "Speech" perks. You can also choose the individual payment system and bonuses.
If the leader is dead or dismissed, the most advanced squad member will automatically take the lead with the next order.
You don't have to dismiss squads if you want to keep the current structure.
1) "You and your people can go home and relax" - suspend all orders for the squad or specified squad member. You don't pay to party members that are in the "relax" mode
2) "Take your old place in squad' - resume orders for the specified member
Use the "Tactical Sign" power (squad leaders MUST see player in order to recognize his signs)
1) Cast it near the squad to select it
2) Cast it under the player's feet while your weapon is DRAWN to give the "Hold" order to every leader
3) Cast it under the player's feet while your weapon is SHEATHED to give the "Regroup" order
4) Cast it near your current enemy to give the "Attack" order to every squad
5) Point with Tactical Sign to the selected squad to enter "favors" mode
6) UseTactical Sign to give the Long Term Order to the selected squad. Followers will move to the location you pointing at. Long Term Orders can be used for a VERY LONG distances. Also, you don't have to wait until it completes, unlike regular ("favors") order. You can give a Long Term Order to every squad and they will execute orders in parallel.
7) SILENT KILLS for followers! If you are crounching, while giving an order, followers will try to move to their target undetected. If you give an attack sign while crounching, squad leader will try to approach the target undetected and perform a stealth kill (the squad leader must be equipped with a sword or dagger to perform stealth attack). If he has ivisibility spell or potion, he will use it.
You can also use regular Skyrim orders activation system. Hold the "Use" key while pointing on the target follower to select him or her. Regular squad members will hold the position like leaders, until you give the regroup order.
If you have Dragonborn DLC(optional, doesn't required to run the plugin) , you can control your units from the sky while riding a Dragon (select troops and give orders - simple as that) Use the Illusion spells. They will work just like Tactical Sign (which is unavailable while you ride a Dragon), except player visibility doesn't matter. For example, you can select a squad, fly to any place in the world and mark the location. Your troops will travel all over the Skyrim to reach their destination.
The "Dragon Sign" ability allows you to use dragon shouts as signals to your followers.
First you have to equip the shout.
Second, talk with the leader and bind this squad to the shout.
Use the "Dragon Sign" in 3 different ways:
1) Use the voice as usual. If you have squads nearby that are binded to shout that you use, they will regroup and start following you.
2) If you are involved in combat, use the voice as usual and the binded squads will attack your current target. You can hide your troops while preparing for battle. Then you can use shouts as signals in proper order with proper timing to create tactical advantage.
3) Shout into the sky (literally). All binded squads will hear your voice. They will travel to the location where you performed the shout.
All party members use the same combat style:
1) Ranged weapons are the highest priority
2) Staffs are more prior that close combat weapons
3) Melee weapons are more prior than magic
4) Magic has lowest priority
The gear does matter. So If you want to have squad of archers just give them bows or crossbows. If you want to have pure mages squad, just leave them with daggers and so on.
Thanks for your attention. Will appreciate any feedback.