Seriously? Hermaeus Mora is bad by daedric prince standards?
Let's see:
- He doesn't [censored] a bunch of women or make you kill a follower of another cult repeatedly and slowly and painfully. (Molag Bal)
- He doesn't sic a bunch of Dremora on you for helping him out. (Dagon)
- He doesn't make you kill someone who trusts you. (Boethiah)
- He doesn't transform his followers into monsters (at least, not in Mundus where they can actually harm people) or have his other followers hunt said monsters down. (Hircine)
- He doesn't spread plagues, make other mortals suffer by said plagues, or have his latest champion kill his latest overseer for lulz. (Peryite)
- He doesn't posture as "good" and still drive other people insane. (Azura)
- He actually keeps his end of the bargain, unlike nearly every other character in Skyrim (seriously, it's gotten to the point that I can count on my hands the number of people who don't backstab you at the end of a questline).
- The only good person he outright harms is Storn, everything else in the Dragonborn questline is Miraak's fault.
- And finally, he easily gives you the most outright benefits and powers of any Daedric prince in the entire game.
I fail to see how Mora is outright evil compared to other Daedric princes. Compared to someone like Meridia, maybe, but in terms of the vast, vast majority of them, Mora is practically good.