Better Duplication Glitch

Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:03 pm

Hey everyone

I shared this glitch elsewhere in the forum before, but at the behest of michaelpk, I've decided to post it here for you to enjoy.

By now, we all probably know about the Mannequin glitch that allows you to duplicate armor/clothing. Sadly, this didn't let us duplicate other things, such as weapons. For those of us on the consoles that wanted to deck out our followers with the same great gear we had, or wanted to dual wield one of a kind weapons, this was a disappointment. Well, I'm here to tell you how to duplicate nearly any item you want. All you'll need is the Dawnguard DLC, a follower, the items you want, and a door that leads to a separate zone/cell (such as a dungeon).

So, without further delay, here are the steps you'll need to perform to duplicate pretty much any item that you want:

1. Get the items you want duplicated in your inventory.

2. Grab a follower

3. Go somewhere where you can quickly exit and renenter a cell, preferably to the overworld so as not to get in trouble for littering or having NPCs try and give you/take your stuff (I use the entrance to Bleak Falls Barrow)

4. Drop the items you want to duplicate. If you're trying to duplicate arrows or anything else that will be grouped together (+6), be sure to drop them individually, or you'll actually lose all but one.

5. Tell your follower to pick up the things you dropped.

6. Enter the dungeon.

7. Exit the dungeon.

8. Some, if not all your items should be where you dropped them. Pick them up.

9. If an item you wanted to duplicate isn't there, take it from your follower's inventory and try it again.

10. Repeat steps 4-9 as many times as needed or until you give up on getting a duplicate of certain items (like Wuuthrad).

11. Do whatever you want to.

Note: To the best of my knowledge this does seem to require Dawnguard to work, but seeing as this doesn't really relate to Dawnguard in any other fashion other than requiring the DLC, I think it should go into the general Cheats, Hints, and Spoilers section.

Another Note: This doesn't appear to work with all items. As I pointed out above, I haven't been able to get this to work on Wuuthrad, nor have I been able to duplicate the Skull of Corruption. However, I have been able to duplicate most items that I attempted this on, including limited or one of a kind weapons such as the Blade of Woe, Mehrune's Razor, Dawnbreaker, Nightingale Blade, and Blades Swords. If you can't seem to get an item to duplicate, let me know and I'll update the OP so people know not to bother with it.

Also, if someone will see if this can be used to bypass the patch for the Oghma Infinium exploit let me know and I'll update the OP with that info as well.

I know this isn't exactly new information (the video I found that explained this glitch was posted back in December), but I haven't seen anyone here discussing it so I thought that it'd still be worth sharing for the people who hadn't learned of it yet.

Have fun everyone!

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:17 am

I can never seem to do step 11......

thanks for the guide :tops:

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Chris Johnston
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:29 am

Now if only this made Daedric artifact stuff count for the achievement, if duplicated ;)

Even getting the two hircine artifacts, I can't get the achievement because:

1) Lod died, while I was very low level, from a dragon attack (pretty much the first time I was anywhere near Falkreath.)

Some people get confused as to whether or not Lod dying ruins that quest, IT DOES. The only way it doesn't is if

you've already talked to Lod about the dog at least ONCE (I never got to that point, since he died right away.)

2) I did the "goody two shoes" on two other quests; I killed the crazy lady who wanted me to be a cannibal, the very FIRST time she talked to me about it! The second thing I did was not kill the nice mage guy, Erandur or something, when some disembodied voice was saying to kill him.

At the time, I was not used to the whole "Bethesda necessary to read spoilers to play this game" thing. So I had no idea I was borking myself out of a major achievement for the game. Even with reading a spoiler about the Hircine one, letting me get TWO artifacts that both count, I'm still short (due

to being down by three.)

Some info I've read since states that even if you manage to duplicate such artifacts, it only counts them for the achievement once (So having two would not help, for the 15.)

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