I am inclined to believe the good people of Cyrodiil are the most humble, with perhaps the Bretons of High Rock being close.
I still find it a bit laughable to read someone saying that imperials are themost humble people in tamriel.
Please explain : D Make me understand the greatness of imperials!
Oh no, my young Stordrage, it is you who are mistaken, about a great many things. Generally speaking, Imperials do not subscribe to racial superiority, but far more emphasis is placed on the unity of the Empire and her people as a whole, while maintaining peace in whatever province is subject to the Emperor. I assure you our intentions are quite honorable, and people of Cyrodiil and Imperial loyalists, humble.
Skyrim or it was till the Nords polluted the land with their stink. Especially that Rolff Stone-Fist twit. Second would have to be Black Marsh them Hist seem generally pretty docile mostly.
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