I would like to get back into playing, but this glitch always discouraged me because I could never create the character I really want.
I would like to get back into playing, but this glitch always discouraged me because I could never create the character I really want.
There is no known wall glitch. They function perfectly.
Wall spells? What? Like summoning Roger Waters or something?
it's hard to summon an entire album ingame
umm, wall of frost does like a quarter of the damage as wall of storms does. and none seem to do the 50dmg/sec listed.
Are you casting the frost wall spell at enemies that are resistant to frost?
There are many frost resistant enemies in Skyrim.
Ohh wow i some how missed this post...
I'm with shadow on this with the resist frost. If you're looking for an effective Frost spell use Ice Storm.
I think there's even one of the loading screen tips that tells you how very rare enemies are resistant to shock.