[Mount Project] Help With Mount Scripts

Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:49 pm

I'm attempting to make a 2 person mount, that one of your followers can mount behind you. I've tried several things, from including a second saddle bone using Nifskope, to trying to merge 2 entities and sync them (stupid idea, don't ask), etc. Before I try to go brute force and manually bind the follower to the mount using complex scripts (I'm not even sure if that would work), it dawned on me that there MUST be a variable that tells the game whether or not a mount has a passenger. I came to this realization when I tried to test the second saddle bone by forcing a follower to mount by using the console command "mountactor " in-game. If I'm already on the mount, it will say "mounting failed" or whatever.

So I got to thinking, what if I can trick the game into thinking that the mount has no passenger by setting this variable to false AFTER the PC has already mounted. The trouble is, I have no idea what this variable is named, where it's stored, or how to access it. As far as I can tell, the mounting system is hard-coded into the game. I couldn't find a script in the source folder that seemed like it dealt with mounts (if I'm wrong about this, please point me in the right direction).

So long story short, I'm asking several things: how to find out the name of a variable and what it's associated with, and what is the best way to edit or add scripts that deal with mounts. As far as I can figure out, I can't simply bind the follower to the second saddle bone using scripting (again, if I'm wrong, please tell me).

I was hoping someone more experienced in scripting might point me in the right direction. I'd welcome any constructive input, so thanks in advance to anyone who posts!

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Teghan Harris
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