Modded Game crash, but only graphic mods.

Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:37 am

Hi i've modded my skyrim now so that it is 20gb, these are only graphic mods like textures and model replacements. I also have random alternate start activated but nothing else besides that.

I cant find out how to post a picture here so i cant show you my load order. Thing is it always crashes when i near a city like whiterun or stay in the vicinity of one. Sometimes it would crash at nearing windhelm but sometimes it wont. I also once visited Riften en then when i ran away on a horse it froze. I was just testing if it worked which it just doesn't. And it don't see an upload button so could someone tell me how to upload my crash log -,-

EDIT: Thing is my system is not a monster but its pretty good.

i7 860 @ 2,8 Ghz (I believe its 3 or 3,2 Ghz at turbo or something)


120GB OCZ Agility 3 SSD

7950 Stock OC 3GB (950/1250)

I am also experiencing these strange graphical glitches where a yellow stripe just swoops across the screen or green cubes just flash in a checkerboard pattern and textures in the distance sometimes flicker white or something but i cant really see it that well what sometimes happens. It really sounds like something is corrupted, my GPU is pretty much brand new. I did overclock it once and it did fine at benchmarks but kept crashing when i started a game like BF3 or Far Cry 3 so i just kept it at the stock OC.


So i have been running around for about 10 minutes now and fast traveled to helgen from there ran to whiterun, mortal and eventually solitude and it didn't crash. It did have a glitch somewhere but none as serious as i had previously. So it seems to be pretty random for some reason. Or it's really a problem with the eastern area or something. I will just quote the crash log here from the last one of two times it crashed. Oh great and now my logs are gone lol, i will see if i can get it to crash again >.<

Okay so when i approached windhelm it crashed again! i copied some stuff from the log at the end to see if anyone can make sense of it?


My load order, not a lot of functional things and it's probably a mess anyway but i dont know anything about that. I didnt enable the NPC overhaul and apachi hair and such because it will immediatley crash.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:21 pm

How much RAM do you have? Both system and VRAM?

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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:41 am

Try downloading BOSS. Its a load order sorter. Might just be a matter of your system not being powerful enough to handle the higher res textures.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:30 am

Yeah thing is i have a pretty decent system i updated the post.

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Vera Maslar
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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:35 am

Bump (sorry =p)

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Michelle davies
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:30 pm

This actually needs to be in the mod forum. Click on the "Report" button, under your avi and ask a moderator to move it for you.

Now, while you can't post pictures, you can upload your screenshot to another site, like imgur, and link that from your post. As far as your LO, it's text based so just copy and paste. However, being an NMM user, I can tell you that there is a "copy to clipboard" or "copy to text file" set of buttons on the left side tool bar of the LO screen.

Once you paste the LO, if it is more than just a few mods, wrap it in spoiler tags so it doesn't cascade a wall down the thread. This is easily done by selecting the entire text and opening the pull down menu from the BBCode button located just to the left of the "Font" pull down in the top left of the edit window toolbar. Directly above the " U " button. From there you select "spoiler".

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ILy- Forver
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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:00 am

Your load order is out of sorts. Run BOSS after installing the Unoffical Patches.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:40 am

Okay i did both the things you said. I made my way to whiterun and it froze again. Here's papyrus log 0. Seems like it's Realistic Animals/Wildlife

mod? :s

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Charlotte Henderson
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