Hey guys, I possibly may have found a new glitch. It allows you equip two weapons at the same time, it's hard to explain so I'll just post a couple pictures. And if you don't want to see one of the outfits added with the Dragonborn expansion don't click the link if not
As you can see, i have a Falmer sword equipped as well as the bow, the bow is the weapon that I was using but the sword was still attached to her waist even when I fired with the bow.
To do this you have to:
duel wield two weapons, it can be any two weapons you want but the weapon in your left hand will be the one that stays on your waist.
Assign a bow (only tested with a bow) to a hot key.
Pull out your chosen weapons, but before the unsheathing animation is over, quickly go into your equipment menu and take off your armour and equip it again. Don't exit the menu otherwise it wont work.
Then go back into the game and quickly equip the bow with your hot key, and you should (fingers crossed) have a weapon attached to your waist and be using a bow.
I thought it was quite interesting, I think there's even a mod for this isn't there?