Kind of. One container is for jewelry, one for misc stuff, others for unique weapons/armor, etc. If the decorating aspect of houses (dropping items, moving them around, placing them on stuff) was as good as it was in Fallout 3, my house would look much more organized and nicer.
To an extent.
Beverages go in a certain place, meats in another. Simple stuff like that.
Only own Breezehome at the moment. All the armour and weapons I have crafted goes in the chest next to my bed, all the trophies from worthy prey (not wild, mer and beasts!) in the set of drawers to the left of the bed (looking towards the bed), all the pretty gems, other jewelry and any dragon scales and bones in the ones to the right. Special weapons go into the same chest as my crafted gear, and I have a 'miscellaneous' set of drawers next to the door. Food items go in one of the sacks next to the entrance, books in the bookcase in alphanumerical order, potions and alchemy ingredients in the drawers in the kitchen, and then any hides, ingots, etc in one of the drawers by the firepit.
I cannot mix gifts and crafted armour. The only exception is the Fur Armour set because that cannot be crafted. Enchanted weapons and armour do get mixed in because they are unique anyway (well...they are shinies, I have a habit of always keeping them!). I certainly cannot mix my trophies with anything else.
Yes I love to organize my house. But I find it hard to decorate in any Hearthfire house because items always reset.
I sort out everything in any house I have ever owned in TES games. If anything is not in its right place I start to get the shakes.
I'm a nut for organizing stuff.
That's why I currently use and I'm looking at They should be compatible as they essentially add new items all together and don't actually "change' anything.
But I definitely separate everything. Well, maybe not armors, but still.
Crafting materials in one, ingredients in one, potions in another, separate for weapon, armor and clothes.
try to separate raw and prepared food and drinks. One for unique items, one for odd items.
Finally one for to sell stuff.
Latest is my mod
will release an update on it with updates for new ingredients. and hopefully better placement meshes.
This is my organazation for my breezehome:
When you enter the house there is a cabnet, i put my food in there, in the alchemy room, i put my books on the top shelf, notes on the bottom, upstairs, there is some cabnets, i put my misc. stuff in there, in my room, i put my armor and wepons in the chest (which will soon be full) and in the dresser, i put my potions there.
And if i run out of space i still have my colledge of winterhold room.
And sadly, my breezehome is glitched and the wepons rack doesnt work.
Then don't use the glitch to own Breezehome without buying it (yes, I read your other thread). Obviously it's a bit late for that now, but keep it in mind in future.