Well currently my RP is a mage. She doesn't do any alchemy or smithing so I wanted to make a house built around just her needs.
Using the 3 new homes I generally have a steward just furnish the place and go from there. This time however I build each piece myself. She added an armory (she collects robes and staffs) and enchanters tower (no extra bedroom and no kids). She didn't build anything on the back of the house as there is nothing she wanted. She also didn't build a cellar. Adding features she did not put any animal heads on the walls and built no barrels (they just seem to clutter the place). The armory has no archery targets or smith workstations. Only enchanters table is in the tower. The place is still fairly full and I'm making good use of the space.
I have to say this is the first time I built the house around the characters needs and not just made everything just because.
I really like doing it this way and was wondering how others approach their home construction.