Hey guys!
So, I'm trying to add packages to animals and idlemarkers to my landscape so they use them often and appear more lively. However, I can't find how to add these new idles to the markers. I've dug as deep as I could and this is what I see:
i43(.)tinypic(.)com/mrcww9(.)png (Just remove the brackets)
I see that there's an existing marker for the Sabre Cat's lie down idle, but that idle doesn't even show up on the SabreCat's idle list. Digging deeper into the list of animations and behaviours of the cat reveals that exact idle under the same name.
So why doesn't it show up on that list? It seems that only idles in the category/branch "LOOSE" appear there, and I can only add those Loose idles to the idle marker... soo... HOW did they add that idle to that marker if its not under the category loose?
In order for me to add the, let's say, SitDown idle to a marker, would I have to edit the vanilla SabreCat and add that animation to the Loose category? Wouldn't that make my mod extremely unfriendly to others?
Does anyone know how to properly add any idle to that list so I can make my own proper idle markers?
Cheers and thanks!