Examples being? How people won't let Khajiit caravans into their cities because they're drug traders at best and thalmor agents at worst?
Examples being? How people won't let Khajiit caravans into their cities because they're drug traders at best and thalmor agents at worst?
On the top of my mind, Adrianne Avennici, Arcadia and Brunwulf Free-Winter. And telling me they're all Empire supporters doesn't count if their allegiance wasn't mentioned.
I remember you called the Argonian dock workers thieves, but judging from Scouts-Many-Marshes' angry tone it was more like a kind of payback.
And according to Brelyna, Winterhold had a relevant Dunmer population until they were made unwelcome in such way they couldn't help but leave.
By the way, I added a reply to a different comment in my previous post.
Or maybe it's the fact that they're a bunch of genocidal pricks who don't know how to read a book?
I'm tired so bear with me.
1. It isn't Xenophobia to prefer to buy from the most famous smith in Skyrim over some chick. And Arcadia lies to you throughout the entire game, so let's not pretend that she earns business honestly.
2. Brunwuulf Freewinter tells you that Ulfric won't send aid to caravans. Ulfric's steward sends you to the exact same mission Bruunwulf does.
3. I'm unfamiliar with Winterhold's Dunmer situation so I can't really comment.
4. The Nords didn't fail. And the Redguards repelled a far smaller force than what the Cyrods had to contend with, after the Thalmor called all available forces to Cyrodiil.
They can write some form of a coherent sentence? Amazing. Alduin have mercy on my soul!
Really enjoyed them in Oblivion due to that hammy voice, and how stupid yet charming they seemed. Then before Skyrim, I started reading into the lore more, which certainly did both boost and lower my views, but ultimately lower. With the release of Skyrim, and the fact that they lost a lot of those old interesting traits, and the feverous fandom they seem to have forged certainly has driven my hatred further.
1. For Adrianne, the original Whiterun guard seemed to be just fine with her. Her quote does not help either. As for Arcadia, I haven't the slightest idea what you're referring to.
2. That is a completely radiant steward bounty quest. Jorleif will send you anywhere.
3. IIRC, Nords in Winterhold drove out most of the Dunmer after The Great Collapse, as they developed their distrust of magic.
4. I don't think anyone "failed," really...
My feeling towards all of the races are the same as they've always been, with the exception of Khajiit, whom I am very disappointed in. Shame on you, working for the Dominion!
Though I do miss the Nords' Scottish accents.
"Hey, care to talk? You're a welcome break from the locals!"
PS: Isn't this whole discussion a bit...racist?
One on one melee combat, a Redguard would destroy a Nord, hands down.
They aren't seen as the most natural talented warrior in Tamriel for nothing.