Of the two primary plot lines / quests of Skyrim i.e., Rise of the Dragonborn and the Skyrim Civil War I found myself satisfied with the former but disappointed by the latter. After knowing there are unused assets hinting the developers cut content to meet due dates (like all capable project team should do so I have no problem with that), I couldn't help but hoped for an overhaul-scale mod that will (attempt?) to restore what had been planned for originally. Of the mods that tried to give players a sense of massive conflicts between Stormcloaks and Imperials...
WARZONE - Script / resource intensive...spawning many (but adjustable) soldier-type NPCs to specific spawn points and quest locations, it gives the users a sense of major confliction ongoing between different factions (stormcloaks, imperials, bandits, thalmor...etc.,). Unfortunately and perhaps due to its script intensive nature, it causes many stability and save game issues. Knowing that the creator is no long active and did not have the time to update it to recent patch...I have stopped using it, though I sometimes load it up to run stress tests while trying out new mods
Immersive Patrols - Spawn soldier-type (among others) NPCs to patrol and to fight in specific locations. Have no script attached and is generally save to use (as save as loading / unloading any Skyrim mods that is)
An unnamed Civil War Overhaul mod being developed by Arthmoor and Thomas Kaira
...and then we have "Civil War Overhaul" (CWO) by Apollodown (creator of "Dragon Combal Overhaul").
I was following Apollodown development posts (as well as Arthmoor & Thomas Kaira's posts) and his recent post (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/929228-dragon-combat-overhaul/page-247#entry7687351) provides some details of what he tried to accomplish in version 1, and also a tentative release date (early~mid June). Of the few things I know...CWO is very interesting if not because of...
...the Dragonborn joined faction could lose the civil war
...once the Dragonborn joined a faction, the opposing side will be hostile against the Dragonborn immediately e.g., joining the Imperials will cause citizens and soldiers in Windhelm to attack the Dragonborn
...possible city siege events occur to all major cities
...now my point of this post...of those who poked around gamesas's unused asset...are you alarmed by what Apollodown (see his post of the bugs / problems he has identified and resolved) trying to accomplish? I will expect many of the changes will drastically alter the way I play the main quest (rise of the Dragonborn) as well. I found myself excited...and a bit concerned.
Thanks for reading.