My last pet was a regular stray dog. It died outside of whiterun. The game thinks I still have a pet, thinking I can't get another.
Its been like this for oodles of game days. I can't do the xbox 360 "Meeko fix", since meeko also died when he
was a pet at some time (as did Vigilance.) I also can't fix the bug with Barbaras or something, since I've never
seen him at all and can't do that quest (Lod died when I was INSANELY low level, when I first went near that
town and a dragon came (stupid smiths!) ) You at least need to talk to Lod ONCE, for that dog to ever come.
I've also tried waiting tons of days, then seeing if Meeko respawns as some people think he does; This also has never worked.
I'm level 89 now, with patch 1.9, 765 hours played. I'd heard Hearthfire was buggy, but figured what the heck for
400 microsoft points (already have dragonborn and dawnguard.)
So I buy the lands, build the houses etc. Then I furnish Hjerrmarch (or whatever the heck) more. I adopt two girls, who call me
"Mama!" a lot. This is fun.
Then, what I was hoping for happens:
I come home one day and one goes "OHHH a doggy, can we keep him?" I choose the dialogue option that says "yes."
However, there STILL IS NO DOGGY. There isn't one with me, or one that joins in fights at all. There is not now one in my house, which the kids are playing with. No further options came up to release a pet there or anything, since there is not one of course.
The game thinks I have a dog.
The kids think I have a dog (which they apparently adopted?)
There is no dog. The dog corpse is at the whiterun stables. I tried waiting 30 days a couple of times,
that corpse is still there and the game still thinks I have a dog (as do the weird kids.)
There is no Meeko to fix it. There is no Barbaras, if that would also be a fix (stupid Lod...)
I've played on, seeing if a dog ever does show up at the house with the kids; No such luck, on this matter.
I can't get a new dog. I can't even get a reikling in the party, since they are also the pet spot. I can't get
either of those dwarven things you can get in the pet slot either. All of them think I have a pet. I don't have
any pet I've released, since that pet died outside of Whiterun.
Hmm... more research suggests they might not be able to get a pet now? If they think we have this "phantom" dog as one, will they
never bring home the other possible pets?(skeever, mudcrab, fox, etc?) This is a really dumb bug, both the game and the kids
thinking I have a dog pet that I don't have.
Er.. even more research suggests each kid can have one, so the other one may bring a pet though the first one thinks
"phantom dog" is his pet.