That awesome moment when I went to download 1.6 for PS3 and Gstaff said that when he had news he would share. Then 1.7 came out and Gstaff said that he had no news about 1.6 on PS3 and then he said 1.6 would be rolled into 1.7 and then 3 months later it arrived. EU had to wait 2 or 3 weeks more. That was Legendary.
When Alduin's HP was reduced to 0, instead of immediately dying he simply behaved like he did when you beat him on the Throat of the World.
So I stopped for a moment, and then finished him with a single power attack. That momentum made it more epic than I could've expected.
My most recent Legendary moment:
When i beat a giant with my fists...I knew i would do it someday! (Oh an i was naked to )
When I ignored the Legendary:
There was many epic random events that I can't even begin to describe but something simple and sweet would be when my Nord slayed Alduin in the nvde with a Skyforge steel battleaxe...next time I will try nvde with steel nordic gauntlets which is how I beat down every Orc chief
three bandits on a mountain first one with dual daedric sword second one fus ro dah and down the mountain and the other kill cam with greatsword but the best one was watching his head doing snowboard