I Am the King!
By Arkanikorde
What is "I am the King!" ?
"I am the King!" is a large-scale mod which is currently developped for Skyrim. It takes place in a new worldspace, simply named "New High Rock". This region doesn't exist in the lore, yet all of its aspects are lore-friendly (no conflict whatsoever with the TES background).
A cirque between Markarth and Jehenna, the region is ruled by various noble families forming feodal counties. An enormous effort has been made regarding the background: as a French team, we have tried to reproduce the French/Anglo-Saxon medieval society (of which Bretons draw their inspiration). For example, hierarchy and nobility laws have been punctiliously respected.
New High Rock background:
New High Rock was founded by Grégoire de Sistre at the end of the Second Era, after he fled the war that made Talos create the first Empire. He settled in a uninhabited and dangerous region he pacified and named New High Rock. His subjects settled all around and founded three counties : Sintavoise, near the Athel-Loren lake, in the southern forests ; Penthiver, in the western prairies and Lestre on the northern coast. This secluded region avoided Imperial dominance for more than two centuries and became a small, yet powerful kingdom. The crown would move to the hand of the Montroise family when the Empire decided to annex New High Rock following the siege of Alesbourg city.
The de Sistre secretly sworn to take back the crown and set up a spy network named the Whisperers in order to favour their schemes.
The Montroise family would rule this country until the Oblivion Crisis, when the de Sistre rook advantage of the Empire's weakness to take the crown back until this day. It is worth to note that the Order of the Lily was created.
Being in conflict with the Empire again, the current King, Vortigern the Iron King, has taken sides with the Stormcloaks of Skyrim.
One of our teammates is a Middle Age specialist (aka "medievalist"), which garantees that this mod will be totally plausible regarding weapons, clothing but especially armours.
This mod requires Dawnguard
We're looking for some LevelDesigners