Is there a way to return a cell to it's original state? I was clumsy when I first started the exterior, and it's pretty buggy I'd like for someone to walk me through getting it back to it's original state if they could, thanks. <3
Is there a way to return a cell to it's original state? I was clumsy when I first started the exterior, and it's pretty buggy I'd like for someone to walk me through getting it back to it's original state if they could, thanks. <3
I'd use You can navigate to the cell you want to remove from your plugin, R-Click it, then "Remove". While you could do this operation with the Creation Kit, it's much faster/easier to use TES5Edit and every bit as safe.
Edit: Nexus seems to be down at the moment, but the link should pop when...
The Nexus is probably getting serviced or is just currently slammed. They're usually pretty quick about getting it back up, so just try the link again in a few minutes/hours.
While waiting for TES5Edit, you could learn the CK method:
That should remove the cell and all edits to its children.
Yeahh! I noticed your edit a little late. Sorry I can be a ditz. Thanks : )
Ohhkayyy, If you're still there I could use a little more help ;_; Sorry >.< There's a list under the cell that I want to fix up, and I don't know what's safe to remove and what isn't. I've moved tree's, worked on the landscape, and the navmesh. What should I remove to fix it up?
To completely revert it, delete the CELL itself and, by doing so, its children (lists).
Okay, I'm hopeless. I deleted the cell, and now my creation kit won't load, and when I log into the game there's holes in the area. If I get close to them Skyrim crashes.
Edit: Well, if I don't set an active file and add the plugin it works, but when I try to load the cell into the render window it crashes. >.< Anything I can do? Maybe copy the date from the main skyrim ESM somehow? O.o
Re-Edit: Lol, okay! It's because I tried the CK way first, and forgot to un-flag the ignore >.< Sorry for being difficult, thanks for all the help.