Need more info about FadeOutGame()

Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:10 am


I'm trying to understand the FadeOutGame() function

Game.FadeOutGame(true, true, 0.0, 1.0)... Doing some stuffsutility.wait(4)Game.FadeOutGame(false, true, 0.0, 1.0)utility.wait(2)... Doing other stuffs

So my intention is to fade to black the game, scripting something and the fade back into game.

The issue: When the function "Game.FadeOutGame(true, true, 0.0, 1.0)" is over, it's instantly remove the black screen. After that I see the fade out from black to game again.

How can I force the game to remain in black?

I can solve this by using Imagespace modifiers but for who use ENB configs, the modifiers are not working.

Thank you.

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:14 am

Try Also, you'l want to pass floats rather than ints to avoid unnecessary autocasting since afSeconds, in both cases, is a float argument.

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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:39 am

Thanks for waitMenuMode() but does not works and, yes, I usually use floats instead of ints about wait(). My mistake here.

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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:15 am

i tried to find an answer to the same question a few weeks ago and ended up using imagespace modifiers instead.

ApplyCrossfade / RemoveCrossfade do pretty much the same as FadeOutGame when crossfading to a static black ism.

edit: note that you go ISMname.ApplyCrossfade, but where the wiki says "imagespacemodifier.RemoveCrossfade", this does NOT mean "put your desired ism-name here" but it imports imagespacemodifierscript in this case (this had me pretty puzzled at first for my part)

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