Just got back from a friends house a little while ago and got to play the dlc. Love the maps and the new modes and I had a blast playing on them. But lets be real for a second here, it's all good right now but how many people will be playing these maps in a few weeks? How is the community going to survive with it split in two? I'm still waiting on the sdk, it's the one thing that brought me back to C2. All of the awesome mods made by talented folks like Maldo and Blackfire. A crysis game without a mod sdk just isn't right. I can only imagine what Maldo and blackfire could do to C3 if they got the chance. So what do you say fellblade? What about you CH4NCE? You guys have given me shady answers in the past, no more **** tell me truth. Are we gonna get an sdk for C3? If not then I don't know how much longer I can support this game or this company.