I keep hearing about it. What exactly is it?
I keep hearing about it. What exactly is it?
The Fortify Restoration exploit is a glitch involving Fortify Restoration potions that greatly increases the potency of enchantments on equipment during the 30 seconds a potion is in effect.
Basically, when combined with Fortify Alchemy equipment, you can end up making ridiculous potions like http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/884106516298735321/43DC5A4548BC95E8BCBE0D4D350DE0B3CC6902DC/, which can be used to make ridiculous equipment like http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/884106516308468682/4F8F932738E6C57F8E27BA3A450938D2F040013E/.
The process goes:
1.) Make a set of Fortify Alchemy equipment of any magnitude (Necklaces/Head/Gloves/Ring)
2.) Make a Fortify Restoration potion
3.) Drink the Fortify Restoration potion
4.) Unequip and reequip the alchemy equipment
5.) Repeat at step 2 until you get ridiculous figures, then go to step 6
6.) Make a bunch of Fortify Enchanting potions
7.) Enchant your equipment and become a god
The process goes faster if:
1.) You have invested points in the Alchemist and Benefactor perks to make your potions stronger
2.) Your Alchemy enchantment is already decently high
3.) If you make Fortify Restoration potions with different side-effects, with makes the effects stack instead of overwriting themselves. SkyUI with its current effects HUD makes this a whole lot more obvious and easier to figure out.
4.) You know what the ingredients for Fortify Restoration are - which are Abecan Longfin, Cyrodiilic Spadetail, Sait Pile, Small Pearl, Small Antlers.
Also, apparently the Unofficial Skyrim Patch fixes this exploit (according to UESP), so you have it, it apparently won't work.
Luckily, there's a http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34302//? that changes that back.
The issue is that every Fortify Skill enchantment is implemented as a Restoration effect, so downing a Fortify Restoration potion, then unequipping and reequipping enchanted armor makes those effects stronger. In addition, the boosted effects don't reset once the potion expires, so you get the benefit of the increased enchantments for as long as you wear the items. The Fortify Restoration exploit makes use of this to allow the creation of extremely powerful gear, well beyond what you would ever be able to create normally.
WHAT. HOW?! I've been wanting that forever! I assume it's by never taking off the Amulet of Talos after consuming the potion?
I did this, to the point where it went so high it wrapped around into a negative.
At that point, I went back to my regular stuff pre messing with restoration potions, with an earlier save game.
The game is easy enough, at level 89, even on legendary. I'm content with what I can naturally get (with a smithing/alch set, that includes circlet and falmer head), as well
as using the 4 piece azidal whatever for 10 percent to enchanting.