Where can I find a list of these missable items?
I restarted once because I had broke several fragile quests and was displeased at having them permanently stuck in my journal.
No. but I have 12 characters, so of course started at the beginning for each of those. For me, any consequences are part of the story.
Have I had to restart? Yes. Every time my character dies. Dead is Dead.
As for restarting, because I felt I done something wrong? No. It's the only way to imbue the lacking of consequence for your actions in the game. I write it off as.. "What ever happens... happens".
If an NPC gets killed, then it was meant for them to go. I accept it as keeping the current character's story unique and move on. I don't reload, if I get caught stealing or picking someone's pocket, nor do I reload if a Dragon kills the blacksmith.
I don't see the point in waiting to install DLC. They should be looked to, as part of the game as a whole. Install everything and play as you normally would. I don't see every character being able to do everything. Doing so depletes the integrity of the replay value.
"Blood On the Ice" is a well known glitchy quest. I haven't had trouble with glitches on any others except for one word wall and don't remember which one.
Stubborn Nord tried fighting a Lurker with her bare hands. Another one died doing the same tactic.
recently I missed out on the final tier of the nightingale armor, it made me rather miffed. be sure you're level 41 before starting the quest "trinity restored" if you want the final tier, should you take the theif route
There are more, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.
Senor Cinco has words of wisdom as always though I've never played a DiD character.
I don't play DID but I restart all the time anyway because I find the first 20 levels to be the best. (being vs. becoming)
750 total hours and over 50 characters. My only character who finished the MQ did it at level 22; never been above level 25, just too boring.
No! You can't dawdle and when you get to the door make sure he doesn't precede you or at least simultaneously. You can only get in I think if he is with you.
No. With the lack of consequences and the absence of failed quests, the only thing that you can count on is whatever happens, happens. I like to think through the choice available. So I don't make mistakes. Other than get one shotted for clowning around.
Well, with patch 1.9 out, and installed, isn't it finally a rare occurrence for quests to fail as a result of bugs?
Oh I'm sorry, you were serious weren't you?
The amount of bugs left in the game would take another couple of patches the size of 1.9 at least... Quest breakers, not sure but Blood on the Ice is an example of one that is NOT patched.
A lot of that "quest bugged" stuff comes down to the temperament of the user system. Some report certain quests being bugged all the time, even after continuous patches, while others rarely experience anything outside of the occasional crash.
I think overanolyzing everything form dialog selection to using previous knowledge takes away the element of adventure and discovery.
Well the biggest reason why I had to start my game over was that I accidentally erased everything off of my X-Box 360 hard drive and lost my Oblivion and Skyrim games, and had to start Thadious all over.
But yes, I have made mistakes more along the lines of what you're talking about.
My Morrowind character was a Wood Elf thief / archer / assassin. My build was MAJOR: Short Blade, Marksman, Light Armor, Security, Sneak, MINOR: Conjuration, Illusion, Speechcraft, Mercantile, Alchemy, BIRTHSIGN: The Shadow, ATTRIBUTES: Agility, Personality
This was the only character I ever completed the main quest with, but after experimenting with other characters, I realized how much I liked Enchant. I had only selected Alchemy because I couldn't think of what skill I wanted as my 10th and final skill, and Wood Elves got a bonus to Alchemy, so I selected it. But after experimenting with Enchant with other characters, I realized that I wish I had selected Enchant as my 10th skill. After experimenting even further, I realized what I wanted my real Morrowind build to be, and I regret that my preferred build isn't part of my "head canon". The preferred build:
MAJOR: Long Blade, Marksman, Conjuration, Mysticism, Enchant MINOR: Illusion, Alteration, Sneak, Speechcraft, Light Armor, BIRTHSIGN: The Atronach, ATTRIBUTES: Intelligence, Speed
That build better represents the kind of character I was wanting to play, and the type of character I like to roleplay.
This regret led me to a horrible bout of restartitis in Oblivion, because I wanted to make sure I didn't regret selecting a particular skill over another. I could never find what I wanted to play in Oblivion, but after countless amounts of restarts, I finally got it figured out. My Oblivion build:
Redguard, Intelligence, Endurance, The Atronach, Blade, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Mysticism, Alteration, Destruction, Block.
I had a minor regret over taking Block instead of Illusion, but nothing major. But basically a heavy armored warrior build of the character I wanted to play in Morrowind.
Skyrim, I pretty much play the same character I did in Oblivion, only the RP is different, and it's a different race.
Breton, The Ritual Stone, Dual Wield, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Enchanting, Alteration, Restoration, Smithing.
My only regret with this character was that the 2nd time around (after my X-Box 360 hard drive wipe) I re-created the character with Illusion, to try to make up for the mistake I made in Oblivion. But I've since realized that Illusion doesn't fit the roleplay, and I want to get rid of it. Luckily, there are ways in Skyrim that I can reperk, so I don't have to start over after 120 hours.
I agree.
OP, not being funny, I understand you want to avoid glitches etc, but just play the game and take it as it comes.