Dragons and vampires are killing the game...

Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:30 am


Take it as a blessing as nothing of value is lost.

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Emily Graham
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:50 pm

This does not avoid vampire attacks. I never fast travel in any of my games and I still have vampire attacks.

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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:17 am

I thought Vampires and dragons were supposed to do kill things.

I Guess the dawnguard DLC and The Vanilla Main quest are just massive game breaking bugs.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:23 pm

No,the idea is ok,just poorly done. NPC's are thick as pig poo. The cities are barely alive as it is,so no need to pop everyone off. There should be more guards,or guards that purposely alert others,while weaker NPC's run or run home. They are a few ways they could of done it better.

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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:21 pm

I have heard guards shouting something like "Everyone inside NOW!" but the NPCs dont listen and attack or crouch in fear. I give all NPCs 1,000+ damage Nordic greatswords and they all surivive attacks now.
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:59 pm

Not necessarily. I once fast travelled to Windhelm stables, waited an hour (to see if a dragon would appear), entered the city around 11.20 am and was greeted by a vampire attack.

For dragons, their appearance schedule becomes fairly predictable, so if one was imminent I'd FT between isolated locations until it appeared. After the fight I'd go to my intended destination.

Nowadays I use mods.

I've had a couple of vampires attack during the day, even though they are supposed to only attack at night.

And I think NPCs should be running away from dragons, not trying to attack the damn things. :ahhh:

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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:24 pm

If you make sure when fast travelling never to arrive at night you will never have a vamprie attack, except from the scripted very first one.

Mind that the stables outside of a city are within the outer bounds of the city cell and that it is not safe to travel there and wait for dawn.

Make sure to only arrive during the day and you will never lose an NPC to vampires.

Information taken directly from the game files on vampire attacks can be foundhttp://www.gamesas.com/topic/1426043-a-few-notes-on-vampire-attacks-for-those-interested/.

Dragon attacks are also random, with a few variables that need to be statisfied. It seems that the longer you go without a dragon fight the more chance you have of getting a dragon in a walled city. I carry a very powerful poison made with the fortify restoration loop for these occasions, to kill them in one hit.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:04 am

I was waiting for you to pop in. Your info is mostly correct. But on occasions vampires can attack during the day,though it's rare...but it can happen.And it's not just the first attack. Sometimes an attack will stack into a double wave too. Wether a bug or not i don't know. But for the most part what you have given information wise in the past seems to work.

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:51 pm

It has to be a bug, or what I think is more likely, people mistaking the 'rules'.

For instance, I discovered that some people wait at the stables for day, but the stables are within the city cell so that doesn't help to avoid an attack.

In any case, the game files are quite clear on this, there are several conditions that have to be met before an attack is triggered.

I don't know how and if these can bug out, but it is always possible I suppose.

Vampire attacks can spawn concurrently or two at the same time, it's true.

This is an unuasual or unlucky circumstance, sometimes (rarely) the two different types of attackers spawn at the same time. What can also happen is that one spawn is from before 24:00 hours and one from after, because the game day changes then and so the prerequisites for spawning reset.

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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:26 pm

Do your damn job and defend the town.

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rheanna bruining
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:44 pm

dragon attacks on cities are more rare, but become a bit more numerous as you progress in the main quest. Once the main quest is done, the attacks dwindle to rarity again.

Vampire attacks are very frequent. I suggest not FT to cities if you think you will be there at night (the more common time for vampires) It is very rare for them to attack during the day. A solution I suggest is to fast travel to the stables of any major city (this requires to wait at another load screen), despite this inconvenience you will not have to deal with the amount of vampires that you would encounter in the starting stages of dawnguard. Vampire attacks dwindle to nothing towards the end of that chain. On my next play through I may actually do that quest first to save some NPCs.

Also dragon attacks seem to trigger a more intellectual response from NPCs. While some still try to fight them, many go away and hide. Vampires is another story since they are sneak attacks.

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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:05 pm

Get a different game.

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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:41 pm

i must be lucky as hell because since i got dawnguard the one vampire attack i had took no npcs and the one dragon attack on whiterun also to no one

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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:44 pm

My next play through will have this is mind. He will be a DB/Thief kinda guy and how can he do his job if vamps and dragons kill everyone? My Altmer did not really care, it was his personality to not really care about others, especially Nords/Imperials/anything. For my Nord I did not start his game with Dawnguard (my first play through was this Nord) So I didnt see them kill NPCs till long after their practical use (the women in Whiterun by the War Maidens who died in one, and Belathor). It still made me sad though. So I soul tapped Belathor before he died and enchanted a daedric greatsword with his soul... I beat the crap out of Harkon with it.

I miss the days in Whiterun with Belathor, Just bull [censored]ting all day. Tellin me he would buy my relatives... I miss him.

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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:03 pm

Tough luck. I have all DLCs and it hasn't been that way in my game.

Only npc who's died is Seren from Dawnstar.

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