All things considered, which vanilla race comes closest to 21st century western concepts of modernity and why do you think so?
You may discuss your answers with each other.
All things considered, which vanilla race comes closest to 21st century western concepts of modernity and why do you think so?
You may discuss your answers with each other.
The question of the OP is also asking why for your choice. The "why" will provide the basis for discussion. Choose as you will, but tell us why you chose as you chose.
I retract my vote and my comment. This thread is a bad idea and will no doubt drag modern government and religious views through the muck. There are already idiotic comments and I don't see it getting any better.
Redguards have cannons. A bit more advanced then the current living races in terms of war technology.
I don't know why such a question should be answered since this game has nothing to do with 21st century or modernity. Anyway it's hard question to answer. I voted for Redguard because they are independent nation which seems to have good and respectful attitude towards others. They seem to have freedom of religion and when looking for justice they are capturing the defendant instead of killing.
I have to say NO for you. You are absolutely wrong. Imperials are having imperialistic politics which doesn't belong on the 21st century. They also use death penalty (and without fair trial!) which is something modern and civilized western nation would never do at 21st century. And they doesn't allow freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is allowed by every modern western nation at 21st century.