Hello Guys,
I created a character in the game using custom races mods, the mod Extend Slider Custom Hair Colors and Mods. And now I want to turn this character into a follower, I did the following:
1 - I used the spf command in the console to export the data of the face.
2 - in the following section carried all my plugins and master files in creation kit I used to create this character, persogagem example I created was Lunari Oblivion Race with new Sea Hair and hair color was selecinada f93333.
3-When I select Lunari Race on creation kit can not see the hair and the colors of the mods loaded, but when I select a breed vanilla I can have access to hair and colors of these mods.
In the four-game can have access to all these mods in any race, even in customized glasses.
PS: criation kit loaded in the master file RaceCompatibility.esm still can not access custom hairs for custom races and even custom colors for custom races. I think it's because my load order in creation kit is wrong about the load order launch the game. In launcher of game the Extend Slider Colors came before of RaceCompatibility and Extend Slider Colors.esp came after RaceCompatibility.esm and in load order of Creation kit the RaceCompatibility.esm came Before ExtenderSliderColors.esm. I Believe than this order is wrong on CK, How does I change the load order in CK?