Is there a faster way to get these itmes? Am I hunting in a bad spot?
Thanks for any help!
Try the mountains up toward Dawnstar and Morthal as well, Sabrecats seem to be more prevalent there along with frost trolls
East of whiterun has more sabre cats.
You can also try to buy some from alchemists.
The plains of Whiterun are probably your best bet. They're all over the place.
Hi - if you are trying to use them for potions (for example, fortify smithing) try searching for alternatives here:
Click on All Ingredients, then on Sabre Cat Tooth from the list and you'll see all the potions that use it. Now you can identify substitutes as there are multiple recipes for every potion.
LoL, heheh...
I sure know what you guys mean. How does the game know?
It's like that with Smithing too. If I need some, whatever, Dwemer or Orc ingots, they are ALWAYS out of exactly what you require...
Having played Hearthfires previously, my new guy has been collecting stuff since Helgen.
I have like 40 Large Antlers and 40 Sabrecat Teeth (and ~100 Goat Horns), ready to build homes at some point...
Like any required ingredient, you always visit the Alchemist in every town and stockpile the stuff.
Some teeth I even took from Sabrecats! (but not too many).
But you've gotta let it take time... can't be in too big a hurry.
This^^. Just play the game. You'll stumble onto them when you least expect it.
I remember encountering them frequently east of Ivarstead, near the river. Well, I think it was east (haven't played in a long while).
Two sabres spawn just east of Mor Khazgur. Take the road, they'll find you!
The spriggins in Shadowgreen Cavern will introduce you to two or three of them, as will the spriggins in Autumnshade Clearing.
Two sabres spawn on the trail between Crystaldrift Cave and Lost Tongue Overlook. Again, they'll find you!
The trail north out if Iverstead spawns a sabre. (troll too)
Right in the center of the following map, two sabres always spawn. It's not really near anything to give you directions. There are some rocky ledges west of the water that are just about dead center in the map. They like unwary explorers for dinner.
Edit: lol I guess a link to the map would help!
when you find a sabre cat save right before you do battle with it. if you dont see sabre teeth when you loot it then reload until you do.
Once when i was traveling to the dragon bridge overlook (i think that is what it is called), if you cant find that, talk to either the steward or the jarl of markarth.
Oops, i forgot to say if you travel there you find twop saber tooths