Deal with your consequences. Also, you cannot remarry (I think).
no you can't remarry in Skyrim (at least not without considerable use of console commands)
I'm letting Aela know there is one marriage proposal out there she ought not entertain.
Who is your current wife? That might help find her.
Good for her, she's probably on a boat to Solstheim to get away from your a**. I take it yoiu married to get the gold stipend from her store rather than attraction.
As for where she is, try looking for her wherever you got her or anywhere in between. She could be 'stuck' somewhere at an obstacle between your house and there and it's happened before. Some have found their spouses after many days or weeks gametime in such a fashion.
And lastly, don't repeat that behavior or my DohVahKiin will find you.
my wife disappeared after leaving the temple too. i went to the house i told her to go to and she wasnt there. so i left. then i went back and she was there. try popping in and out a few times and waiting in 6 hour intervals to see if she shows up on her own
Maybe she's busy performing the Black Sacrament...