Missing steward dialogue + wandering wife

Post » Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:40 pm

I finally got around to build a house (yeah, late to the party, I know...) and took Marcurio there. He immediately offered to become my steward, according to plans. But... he only has follower dialogue. He will sandbox around and inside the property just as expected, but he doesn't have any steward dialogue. I've tried to hire and dismiss him, leave the house and come back and so on, it doesn't help.

A check on UESP listed this as a bug, but no solution was given, and apparently the UHFP doesn't fix it. Are there any tricks or console commands to get this to work? Or could this be a conflict with UFO or My Home Is Your Home?

Next strange behavior comes from Sapphire. Granted, she's a modded follower and wife, but the mod's description doesn't list this particular problem: My character owns Honeyside and Lakeview Manor. When he arrived with her at Lakeview and told her they should move there, and then dismissed her, she wandered back to Honeyside. The kids, however, moved from Honeyside to Lakeview.

I went to Honeyside, found Sapphire, but could only tell her we should move to - Honeyside. Tried this, and nothing happened. Took her as a follower again, went back to Lakeview, discovered that the kids had moved back to Honeyside. Told Sapphire we should move, and Lakeview showed up as the only alternative. The kids came back - but Sapphire went to Riften again.

Any ideas?

If these problems don't get solved it's no big deal, since I can have Sapphire relaxing in Lakeview with UFO or tell her it's her home with MHIYH, and this character is practically up for retirement anyway and can do fine without cows and bards and whatnot, but it's a bit annoying and can be good to know how to avoid for future characters.

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:51 am

Try loading a previous save. And see if it happens again. If it does it could be a conflict with UFO and mhiyh
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Emilie Joseph
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