Difference between Light Touch and Finesse?

Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:22 pm

they both offer +5% critical chance. Light Touch is obviously for Light Armor only, and the 25% less critical hit chance by enemeies. Where finesse increases the critical chance permanetly. I only ask because I have a choice coming up at level 10 for a perk. I'm currently going with the US Army Combat Armor. But I am also considering doing Honest Hearts next and I am thinking about Joshua Graham's armor. So obviously if I do this, Light Touch would be the better choice at level 10. I just wanted to makes sure I wasn't missing anything. Seems weird that a perk like Light Touch is such a low level, compared to Finesse.

I should also say that I am playing with JE Sawyers mod, so my total HP is really low with this mod. So the reason I picked up the US Army Combat Armor right away, is the 15 Damage Resistance it offers, with 18 Damage Threshold. I won't be able to keep the DR with the light armor. So i'm thinking that the light armor might not be best, with this mod installed.

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Alexander Horton
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Post » Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:54 pm

Finesse adds its critical chance to the part of the critical hit equation before the weapon multiplier - that is, for a Sil. .22 Pistol, Finesse's +5% becomes +15%.

Light Touch offers more or less immunity to critical hits, and its critical chance bonus is like the VATS bonus: Added after the multiplier. It's 5% for all weapons, from fists to Ratslayer.

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