There's a second copy of the tome at Ansilvund, but that dungeon is most definitely not for a low level character.
There's a second copy of the tome at Ansilvund, but that dungeon is most definitely not for a low level character.
Sorry if I miss-worded, I meant can it only be found there, or is it a spell that Tolfir will sell at sufficient level?
Nevermind, just took a quick check and it can be purchased, although the location has a good place to start using the spell, so that's useful. Coin isn't really a problem for my current character, but otherwise retrieving it would be the better route.
My confusion stemmed from seeing Tolfir to get Telekinesis, but not seeing (or recall seeing) Transmutation, so it seemed like it could be a special tome that couldn't be bought normally.
No, you can't buy it from Tolfdir. You have to find one of the spell tomes. Halted Stream Camp would be your best bet.
Strange, guess that's an error on the wiki's part then. Thanks for clearing that up.
Which wiki were you looking at? I got my info from UESP.
Ohhh okay, I was looking at the Elder Scrolls Wiki, which has been pretty reliable up till now. >.>
For some reason I kept seeing UESP around and it never crossed my mind that they were different sites. xD
It might not hurt to drop them a note and ask them to confirm their entry. I don't recall ever seeing Tolfdir or anyone else with that spell tome for sale, but then again I wasn't really looking for it as I had already gotten my copy at halted Stream Camp. It's an Adept level spell, so you'd need to be Level 40 or so before it started showing up for sale at any rate.
Given that I got Telekinesis from him, which is Expert, and I even went to the trouble of buying Waterbreathing at the time, I'd say you're probably right. I'll confirm once I get on. I'm not sure if this Tome is unique as to its not being sold anywhere; if it is, then it wouldn't be difficult to overlook on a spell list, of course until you go to purchase it.. it still seems strange that they'd miss that, though. Oh, and I need to apologize for misspelling his name, I thought the spelling seemed a little short...
Building the Hearthfire homes will up your smithing, as well.