On my Nord? my first play through in any elder scrolls game.... I killed a chicken in riverwood... the town came at me... i killed the black smith
On my Nord? my first play through in any elder scrolls game.... I killed a chicken in riverwood... the town came at me... i killed the black smith
Ridiculous, isn't it? Dragonborn, savior or mankind... Condemned because he killed a chicken. And you can't even yield to the townfolks; they just keep coming at you until either you or all of them are dead.
People of Skyrim seem to take matters too seriously.
The cave you use as exit from the embassy doesn't even appear on the freakin' map.
I killed that poor girl in the DB questline, and the mother ended up killing herself, leaving a fricken suicide note. I reloaded since I felt like complete [censored]....
Go back to the cave that you exit from the embassy (it's just somewhere around the embassy), climb to the rock directly opposite the unclimbable ledge that you jump down from, then use Whirlwind sprint.
As long as there's at least two persons on the planet, someone will want someone dead.
People are Sinful Creatures, life only survives at the cost of another
Oh and the one time I did kill Paarthurnax I reloaded in like 3 seconds afterwards and killed Esbern and Delphine.
Despite her being an Empire supporter I actually felt bad for killing Vittora Vici. She is one of the few people in Skyrim who was generally nice to you in the face of death and her marriage to Asgeir probably might have helped out with the Civil war.
I felt the same way, the options when you talk to her on that quest show she has a kind soul.. even though she was the Emperors cousin, she still welcomes even Stormcloaks to her wedding. she allows any and all to attend, and appears to just want everyone to be happy...
yet another reason to destroy the DB...
Yet you miss out on sooo much by not being in the DB
What I hate is that if you Destroy the Dark Brotherhood, they never actually get married. In fact, everyone just exists in a pre-Brotherhood questline state of stasis. You can't go kill Alain DuFont without taking the quest, Vici and Snow-Shod will never get married, the Gourmet never ever leaves Skyrim, etc.
I know, I know, "11/11/11" and all that garbage but I still think if they were going to make the questline divergent enough to entertain either a Join or Destroy plotline, they could've flipped a few more switches and had things move forward.
Eh, cash and Shadowmere. There's better daggers than the Blade of Woe and everything else can be made at an enchanting table by yourself.
And I don't need Shadowmere when I've got Arvak!
Funny, I just made a thread about that.
It makes no sense that it should be a quest dependant event, considering that she does mention her wedding if you prompt her even if you haven't joined/destroyed the DB.
and there is the random encounter of nobles traveling to attend the wedding