I am experiencing a rather irksome behavior in the Dialogue View manager for my main quest trying to link a long list of sub-dialogues to a main topic. Sometimes, if I stack all of these sub-topics neatly and size them identically, dragging the link arrow from the main topic will allign with a nice simply line to each of the sub menu items.
What I have noticed however, is if I go back in later to modify any of these sub-topics, they are all stacked on top of each other on top of the main topic, and I have to drag everything around again. That is fine, but it seems like sometimes these path links are getting broken. When I try to reconnect them after breaking the link, instead of a nice neat line, I get this crazy 40-point jagged mess that loops around off the screen and back around to the sub-topic!
I am just wondering if there is any way to avoid this behavior. The couple times it has happened dialogue appears to have been broken for that topic completely (no sub-topics appear.)