Dialogue spaghetti...

Post » Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:38 pm

I am experiencing a rather irksome behavior in the Dialogue View manager for my main quest trying to link a long list of sub-dialogues to a main topic. Sometimes, if I stack all of these sub-topics neatly and size them identically, dragging the link arrow from the main topic will allign with a nice simply line to each of the sub menu items.

What I have noticed however, is if I go back in later to modify any of these sub-topics, they are all stacked on top of each other on top of the main topic, and I have to drag everything around again. That is fine, but it seems like sometimes these path links are getting broken. When I try to reconnect them after breaking the link, instead of a nice neat line, I get this crazy 40-point jagged mess that loops around off the screen and back around to the sub-topic!

I am just wondering if there is any way to avoid this behavior. The couple times it has happened dialogue appears to have been broken for that topic completely (no sub-topics appear.)

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Post » Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:22 pm

The dialogue connection lines are a bit odd, but they do have a method. Just mess with a single topic to topic connection and slide both windows around, it will quickly become obvious. That helps you scale and organize your windows so that the lines are straight and not mangly and all over.

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Nicole Mark
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Post » Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:59 pm

I do feel compelled to add that on closer examination, my assumption that this was the cause of breaking dialogue actually turned out to be erroneous. I see now that I had neglected to update some rather complex fragments and conditionals on this setup with a new array format change for how I am storing and accessing certain variables.

As it turns out, these layout issues appear to be purely cosmetic. It is a minor annoyance, having all my dialogue pile on top of my topics instead of maintaining the neat, esthetic layout I set up between CK sessions, but not a show stopper by any means.

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