I've searched, but can't find this. The steel perk is not letting me improve banded iron armor. Please help. I thought it was Dwarven, but that doesn't seem to work either....
I've searched, but can't find this. The steel perk is not letting me improve banded iron armor. Please help. I thought it was Dwarven, but that doesn't seem to work either....
Banded iron armor isn't assigned to any perk. If you want to improve it past flawless, you'll need to boost your smithing over 100.
When I was on Xbox this drove me nuts, as Banded Iron was my favourite vanilla armour .
On the PC there is a mod called Legendary Smithing which allows you to upgrade Iron and Leather items the same as other materials.
Really? That does svck. I didn't want to wait that long. Banded is my favorite- I'm on Xbox. I guess I'll have to try something else!
Banded Iron armor is your favorite.I am disappoint.
Please stop right there. Don't look down your nose at someone else for their own personal taste. They don't have to like what you like, and you don't have to like what they like. They don't need your approval on liking Banded Iron Armour, it is simply personal taste and nothing more.
It is certainly nothing to be disappointed about! It's a rather insulting statement to make, really. I love the hold armours, are you disappointed by that? It's ridiculous to criticise someone else's taste in armour because it's implying that people must like certain armours or there is something wrong with them. I don't like Banded Iron Armour, but rosethornmasta does, and that is fine with me.
Huh? Iron and banded iron armors are awesome. Easily my favourite heavy armors.