I just started playing a female Redguard thief/assassin. I'm really trying to get into the role and was wondering what Divine/Daedra do they worship? I've searched and unless I overlooked it, I totally missed it. Thanks
I just started playing a female Redguard thief/assassin. I'm really trying to get into the role and was wondering what Divine/Daedra do they worship? I've searched and unless I overlooked it, I totally missed it. Thanks
The Redguard have their own version of the creation story and their own gods, but for the most part, they are the "same" gods with just different names. Though of all the races, their names seem to be the farthest from the names of the 8 Divine of the Imperial Pantheon. They also don't have the dual primordial forces (Anu and Padomay) but instead of a single entity that everything was born from (Satakal).
You can find a brief description of their gods http://www.imperial-library.info/content/races-tamriel-redguard
Like anything else, the choice is up to you. You won't find any of their shrines in Skyrim, but you could find a Yokudan god you like, and find it's divine counterpart.
Or you could just choose a Daedra since they are all the same.
Make your own up, they have so many, a god for just about anything. And a god of we have too many gods (which I think Albino Dunmer said was from the Hawaiin pantheon, but I might be wrong).
And there's this:
Is Tall Papa Magnus? - nope (04/28/11)
Tall Papa as Magnus?
Think raga. Then think of the various ways the Sun would affect the Weather/Eyeball/BodyClock/Agriculture/TheShineOfASingleDewdropBeforeAnImportantDuel.
Just how many gods would you have to govern acknowledge those?
They have a god of "We have too many gods". That should tell you everything really.
Ehh, it's a mixed subject because it involves gameplay and lore. RPing in the game can take some knowledge of lore, and how to interpret that into gameplay. So it could have been in either section. I see it more as RP and gameplay than lore though.
I think its a combination of both lore and RP. Looked into the lore for RP'ing purposes.
The Redguard gods have such silly names.
Tall Papa...snicker snicker.
Yeah Im thinkin at this point I may make up my own.
That man, is more than God... He is, everything and nothing, life itself... 42.
Don't they worship the Make Way God? I don't remember his name, but his avatars are called HoonDing?