and turn stolen items into nonstolen?
and turn stolen items into nonstolen?
Fences will buy your loot, not sure if you buy it back if it is cleared or not of being stolen.
If your in the Thieves, you can pay a lower fine and keep your stolen items, if you talk to the right people.
Best really, if your not in the Thieves, is to dump your stolen loot somewhere safe, go turn your self in, pay the fine, then go fence your stuff. Although you won't have access to a Fence without the Thieves.
In other words, if your going to steal stuff, be a member of the Thieves, even if you don't work for them.
Ive paid a guard off once, then went on my way. Got stopped by another guard for the same thing. Does bribing the guards only affect the one guard that stopped you?
If you are a Thane of that hold, you can often get off scot free by simply reminding the guard who you are. (ie. not the common rabble).
With high speech (persuade or intimidate) you might also avoid a fine.
Bribing is the hugest waste of money. All it does is stop that group of guards from arresting you. Bribes are much more than the fine you would have to pay. You still have the fine and the only reason I can think of for this if I am carrying something stolen I want to keep it and not lose it to the guards
There's a random encounter that has a guy coming after you for your bounty, but it has to be over 1000. He shows up and demands you pay him 1.2x your bounty (so if you have a 3000 gold bounty, he'll demand 3600 gold). If you don't pay, he attacks you. Unfortunately, since it's a random encounter, it's unreliable, and there's noone who can get rid of your bounty for a fee in a set location.
About the only place where bribery is useful is when you're doing the Radiant Thieves Guild quests, you've grabbed the item from your mark, and you've managed to acquire a bounty before turning it in to Delvin or Vex.