Recently I've been playing on Legendary difficulty. At one point I was fighting a dragon priest, which was rough, because he kept 2 shotting me with his fireballs. I decided to cast my low level spell "Conjure Familiar" and let the wolf tank the dragon priest a bit. It seemed to be working.. awesome now I can hit the priest with my bow. Wait a second, the wolf is taking way too long to die...
At this point I started reloading a quicksave and summoning my familiar at different level difficulties. It turns out, the famliar would die instantly on Novice, and get progressively beefier as the difficulty went up. On legendary it took WAY too many shots from the fireball to die. I've tested this out with other enemies and results maintain. Now, after some googling, I've read that summons should stay the same as the difficulty changes, as the difficulty only changes the player's damage / received damage. What's the deal?
I've tested this with no mods and it still happens. Is this the same for everyone? Is this intentional? I like to raise the difficulty for more of a challenge. When I play on legendary I don't even want to use conjuration anymore because it makes me feel like I'm cheating.
Someone help me out here please.