Herbane, a man i'd love to meet.

Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:14 pm


After 1kish hours invested in this game since launch I always find it amazing that every playthrough makes me notice and or appreciate something that I never really noticed or payed much attention to before.

This playthrough, it's the books "Herbane's Bestiary." I have read these books many times before over many playthroughs, but It's only now that I see the dry humor and sheer facerollage that is Herbane.

I mean what arrogance, what gall, what style! Herbane is the kind of no-nonsense warrior whom I would follow into the gates of Oblivion anyday. From the style of his writtings and his name I ASSume he is a Nord, but I have never seen him in-game, so I'm pretty sure he is not a Skyrim NPC. I won't google him to find out, because I don't want to ruin what little hope I have that I'll come accross him boasting of his latest exploits in a Skyrim tavern one day.

I can't help but think of how awesome it would be if he were a hard to find and aquire follower in-game. Mabey once you find him he says something to the effect of, "show me four score filthy Falmer ears and a dozen dragon skulls and mabey you'll be worthy to drink in the same tavern as me, whelp."

This would give me all the incentive I needed to finally roll my first Nord and RP him as a Skald type that is more a follower of him than he is to me. That roll could possibly be reversed as my destiny as the Dragonborn starts to come to light (yes I know you would have to come across him early on in the main quest for this to make sense.)

It's a shame TES online is to be set so far back in the past that they can't make him a NPC "kill this and kill that" quest giver. Judging from his writings he could add a lot of color to that type of staple MMO quest that most MMO players at this point find boring and stale.

"Perhaps one day I will meet a true challenge, for I have yet to see that which would make me tremble."

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Ella Loapaga
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