Why is it my paraylysis poisons don't work on vampires and undead, but my followers paralysis weapons do? I don't get it
Is there a higher chance of paralysis with enchanted weapons than poisons?
Why is it my paraylysis poisons don't work on vampires and undead, but my followers paralysis weapons do? I don't get it
Is there a higher chance of paralysis with enchanted weapons than poisons?
They're dead. They don't have circulation. Poison doesn't work if it can't be circulated.
Magic doesn't need flowing blood.
Undead is immune to poison. Simple as that.
oh I see
so, in the case of undead its better to use enchanted paralysis weapons as poisons do NOT work at all?
I personally like a paralysis staff, with 10 second effect. Bloody hard to find though, only 1 of my characters has one.
I have a mod which muddles up the levelled lists - essentially every item has an a chance at appearing at any level.
So of course the Staff of Paralysis appears at level 1 in the first dungeon I raid....
On the other hand, there's apparently a fixed instance