10 Hours

Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:44 pm

10 hours seems to be my magic number. 10 hours and I get bored. 10 hours and I need to try something different. I want to be a hero, then I want to be evil, then I want to be a sneak assassin but then I get bored with sneaking every where and try a Paladin, and that was great for yup you guessed it..... 10 hours! You see where I am going with this?

I need help developing a character that I can get behind. I know this is something that is hard for others to weigh in on but I am hoping others who have lots of experience with TES games will help me come up with something I can put 50-60 hours of love into. I played Oblivion but didn't really get behind the RP aspect of it. It wasn't till Skyrim I really appreciated what an amazing game it is. I have had Skyrim since day 1 and have played many different characters and don't really have a favorite "type". This is where my problem starts, because I don't have a type like many others I have read and followed, I start to sway and get antsy. I need help!

Is there any hope for me?

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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:54 pm



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Enie van Bied
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:50 pm

Thank you, I did find that in my search and plan to use it once I have something narrowed down. Any tips on the narrowing process?

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jaideep singh
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:43 am



Try this :D

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Da Missz
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:44 am

You need to slow down and enjoy the scenery and the details; don't fast travel because that ruins the experiences. Try out hybrid build like Sneak/Mage (highly recommended), Spellsword, Necromancer Warrior, etc... Increase the difficulty. Roleplay, choose a profession (like a thief) and work at them instead of running around killing everything.

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katie TWAVA
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:47 pm

I'll second this. Especially the part about a hybrid character. Not necessarily jack-of-all-trades, but something dual-classed like a fighter-mage. That's what worked for me.

Also, you might be playing your characters too restrictively. I think for your first long-term character, you shouldn't limit them too much as to what they can do. Have a sort of neutral character who's willing to take on legitimate jobs, but is also not afraid to get his/her hands dirty with the Thieves Guild or possibly even the Dark Brotherhood. The character can still be a unique individual but is not strictly good or bad. This allows you tackle large parts of the game with this one character and still RP effectively.

Other little things to keep you interested is to give the character habits/traits that lead to entertaining gameplay. Having them collect something is one way. For example, my Orc, Azog, who enjoys fighting mountain lions and collects their pelts (this is in Oblivion, but the RP aspect can be just as easily applied to Skyrim). Now, everytime Azog sees a mountain lion, it's exciting because he will have a new pelt to add to his collection. He also refuses to sneak attack them; he always openly challenges them because that is part of the sport for him. It's just little twists on gameplay like that that give the RP longevity. One of my characters in Skyrim did the same thing but with sabrecat teeth.

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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:40 pm

So I have developed an idea...

An Orc blacksmith who was also deadly with (battle axe or duel wield axes). Captured by the Imperials to fight for them, when he refused, he was sentenced to death. Once he escapes he is hell bent on revenge. He's an even tempered warrior who will gladly buy you some mead but stand in his way and you'll pay with your life.

Would an Orc be more likely to wear heavy or light? Use swords, axes, or hammers?

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Bee Baby
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:04 am

As a thief, my current goal is to collect/buy all the gold/silver ingots, jewelries and silver candles I can get my hand on, and pile them up in my basemant until it crashes the game. Currently 13 FPS; I'm getting there! :D

As a warrior, you can try to collect all the skulls in the world and place them in your house and make a collection.

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:32 pm

Pretty standard build.

IMO, an Orc would be a raging train while Beserked with Dual Wield axe (thrown in Elemental Furty and it's game over for everything else in the game). He might also take up archery to soften up targets from afar; Orcs are hunters, afterall.

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Joanne Crump
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:22 pm

Ok, develop his personality and backstory further as you play. That's what I do with my characters, and it works nicely. Use things that happen in gameplay for hints at his past and his persona.

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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:51 pm

Great idea!

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Jay Baby
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:29 pm

Yea, it is standard. Duel wielding axes will feel different from traditional one weapon or sword-and-board style, so I'd go with that. Maybe spice him up with some magic ability, or maybe ranged (stealth-fighter/ranger).

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Haley Merkley
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:40 am

First time I've heard someone say their goal was to crash the game. That's hilarious and awesome :rofl:

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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:26 pm

I think standard is what I need... Some of my previous builds downfall was they were trying to be a lot all at once, instead of developing into something. Simple maybe good.

Lore wise what type of warrior are orcs? I don't know much about the race, I usually stick to humans or elves....

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gemma king
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:03 pm

It's gonna take a while though. Some guy on Youtube filled his Breezehome literally waist-height with stuff and the game still runs fine. Right now, my gold vault is spread out evenly at mid-shin height; and it's still going strong! Can't wait to swim in gold bars like Scrooge McDuck! :D

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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:17 am

They're typically heavy warriors. Tanks, if you will. Sometimes with magic ability: more than Nords and much more than Redguards. I love Orcs.

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maya papps
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Post » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:47 am

If you're still working out the kinks, you could always use the old class quizzes from previous games. Here's http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Class_Quiz.

Answer them and keep track of how many Combat, Magic, or Stealth answers you get. Then check the table above to learn your class.

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Meghan Terry
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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:49 am

Regardless what you roleplay as combat will still be boring and story will still be stupid.

The only advise I can give to fix (not fix but make better) combat is to install skyre.

Second don't take story too seriusly and if you find somebody whos an idiot just kill them.

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