Might be a silly question to some, but for some reason it bothers me if they wouldn't. I dunno why they wouldn't but, would they?
Might be a silly question to some, but for some reason it bothers me if they wouldn't. I dunno why they wouldn't but, would they?
This is like asking, if a race would eat a red apple instead of a green one.
This is something to do with the individual, not the race.
To answer the question, yes.
I always thought they'd be partial to swords, claymores specifically, but yeah, I don't see why not.
If the milkdrinker wanted, sure. It would be shorter than others though. Not by much however. Thats if he had it made for him.
"If you would like to go axe to axe with a bunch of Daedra-worshipping madmen, then we might have work for you." - Yngvar the Singer
I'm not assuming that ALL bretons are forsworn, but... All bretons are forsworn scums!
I plan on using waraxes for my Breton playthrough. Ive ran into some briarhearts who use ebony waraxes. So yes
As said, that's a very individual preference. A Breton may not be as suited for a war axe as an Orc, but there's nothing saying they can't learn to use one. I'm sure there's a decent amount of Breton warriors.
For Some reason people on these forums think all members of a race are the same. that they all believe the same gods, that they all wear the same armor, that they all use the same weapons, they have the same Mindset, the same goals..
which can not be farther from the Truth..
Yea, and you see contradictions in the actual games, too.
One of my favorites was Honditar from Oblivion. He was an Altmer hunter/mountain man; he didn't act mage-like at all. Always talked about how skittish the deer were.
Not to mention that some races have different subcultures/races that tend to differ greatly in beliefs, lifestyle, etc.
The Skaal, Forsworn, and Ashlanders being examples of subcultures of Nords, Bretons(well, they have Breton roots), and Dunmer respectively.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Any race can pick up and swing an axe, you just have to point it and slash at the right people.
My Breton warrior used a war axe with conjuration. It depends on the individual, not the race. Not all Bretons are Forsworn or nobles. You can make up a backstory to justify most anything if you're a RPer too.
As has already been mentioned a couple of times, it's personal preference. And availability of resources factor in too. It requires less metal to craft a waraxe than a sword, for example (generally speaking).
Bretons, by-the-by, do have a thing for knightly orders though.
No they dont. its a sin to raise a waraxe in High Rock. punished by death. so yeah your breton cant use them..