Between Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, those 3 make up my top 3 favorite games ever.
Morrowind was #1 for the longest time, until Skyrim came out.
Oblivion made a lot of improvements over Morrowind I felt, but also regressed in a lot of ways. Oblivion's regressions were in areas that I found to be more important than the improvements, so Morrowind stayed ahead.
But Skyrim came out, and improved where Oblivion regressed, and continued on the trend where Oblivion improved, and then added in a whole bunch of other things that I liked better than either game did.
Maybe I'm just lucky. Skyrim pretty much added in everything I ever wanted to see in an Elder Scrolls game, and added in the things I was sad to see go from Morrowind to Oblivion. Skyrim pretty much checked off every single box that I was looking for.
Morrowind is great and did a lot of stuff amazingly. But I prefer the foundation that Skyrim built upon.
Morrowind created the checklist. Skyrim filled it out.