So basically if certain things from the world of Skyrim existed in real life would you have anything to do with them?
So basically if certain things from the world of Skyrim existed in real life would you have anything to do with them?
Post count probably!
My answers:
Dragon pet
Quite a few
I would only join the College. As much as I'm fond of the Empire, I am in no hurry to die for my country.
I would adopt no one, but voted mudcrab in lack of "None".
Neither would I have interest to be any hybrid, but voted Vampire in lack of "None".
I would specialize in Destruction and Restoration. The former to defend myself, the latter to prolong my life indefinitely.
Mostly because the poll is based only within the context of what exists in Skyrim (plus you cant create your own factions in Skyrim ).
But I do see your point...
Alot of peeps like the College of Winterhold...
And the Dark Brotherhood members are feeling lonely.
Added "none" as choices for all questions.
College only...
Adopt a Sabrecat.
No transformation (I'm the only one!?)
Specialise in One Handed and Archery, Sneak, Enchanting, and all schools of magic.
That way I could walk around with no physical weapons or armour (in normal clothes as I do now), and still be pretty damn dangerous.
Enchants on my everyday clothing.
Mage armour.
Conjured weapons.
And all forms of magic for support.
...I'd probably stay away from necromancy though.
It'd be a bit creepy.
Well for the first option I would just make a group of me and my mates to do some adventuring work possibly taking work from the guilds of Skyrim if they need a hand with anything or if some people need a bodyguard. Chances are I would work for no fee from peasants just ask them if they know anyone who needs help to ask me an my group so we can get more recognition and more work.
For the second option I would adopt a dog or wolf but no option for that
For the third option I would not become a beast for I would want to be able to rest in the afterlife.
For the third option I would probably try specialise in 2 handed, archery, light armour, heavy armour, smithing I would also try sneaking. There is also dabbling in magic but not specializing in it (Would come in handing if you have no weapon at your disposal)
My answers are pretty boring because in real life, I'm pretty non-confrontational and don't get into physical altercations. I'd probably be the same if I was in Skyrim for real. I'd be a regular everyday civilian just living my life.
My votes:
-College of Winterhold - I'd probably study magic, even though I wouldn't use it to fight or anything. I would just study certain types of magic to make life easier for myself, and those around me.
Creature Adoptions:
-None - At least that was my vote. I'd adopt some kind of tame animal, like a dog or a rabbit or something.
-None - As much as I love vampires in fantasy settings, no way could I ever be one in real life. Not religious or anything, but I kinda like my soul.
-Enchanting, Restoration, Alteration, Speechcraft - Yea, as much as I love Conjuration and necromancy in fantasy, I couldn't do it in real life. Like I said, not religious or anything, but I kinda like my soul. But I could see myself doing Enchanting, just to make mundane items do cool things. I'd study Restoration for obvious reasons, so I could heal myself and stay healthy. But my favorite would be Alteration. Real life implications would be for the Telekinesis. I really need some Telekinesis in my life. But I wouldn't mind being able to turn my flesh into something stronger to protect me as well. And Speechcraft, cuz well, I could sweet talk and charm people. I try to be diplomatic as it is anyways. Illusion is a possibility, but it deals too much with mind control, and that's not something I'd want to do. But Invisibility would be nice.
I imagine that's probably because none of us are trained assassins, despite a few fantasies to the contrary