I'm looking for people who know how body textures work.
I am really at a loss about how to do this. I already know how to make diffuse maps, normals, glow maps, and environment maps, I just don't really know how I would achieve a sparkly vampire effect for a skin texture.
thepandaandtheboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/edward-sparkles.jpg - yup, pretty much like this
Would it be done using the environment map? A specular map? I'm assuming I'd just put the texture in through the TextureSets, but I need to know what type of map to use and really any suggestions at all on how to achieve this effect would be just dandy.
EDIT: Okay, I got the effect by applying a specularmap with fuzzy white dots in the TextureSet option for the body. But the FACE WILL NOT WORK.
I have tried everything to get the face to work, down to using the same textures and settings as the body, but it won't use the specular map I provide. I even tried messing with the normal, but got some ugly results (black spots and generally bad things.)
Example: http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/36777-4-1370748168.jpg As you can see in that image only the body is working, not the face.
How do I get the face to take a specular map? Give it Rohypnol?