I dont want to marry Mjoll or Uthgerd.
Note to Hevnoraak-
Both are very tough and lust for battle, as you'd expect from a typical Nord.
So I'd go with the one who looks better, Mjoll.
You don't want to marry Uthgerd? Gah. She's always ready for a drink or a fight, you can't get more Nordic than that.
I'd choose one of Soltheim spouses, but that's only if you have Dragonborn. If not, then I don't know - maybe one of the housecarls?
That's too bad, I haven't played DB yet but she looks interesting.
Marrying a housecarl?
She'll always greet you with "Honored to see you, my thane" and it will almost feel like nothing changed.
Must... resist...
Aela. At least she wears the armor of our once cultured race.
Or Frea...