So Microsofts big E3 reveal was just a few hours ago and they showed off Batltlefield 4 and Metal Gear Solid 5 (those were the only games I was interested in) and then at the end they revealed the price...... 500 bucks! Are you on **** crack microsoft!? 500 bucks for the console plus the cost of xbox live and the cost of a game and you're looking at about 600-700 bucks to walk out the door with an xbox one ready to play. In this economy? I pray to God that Sony is wiser and goes the 299-399 route. Because I would rather pay $500 for a gaming pc that will no doubt give a far better experience and the online is free (most of the time). If Sony can keep the PS4 at 299-399 I am definitely going Sony this next gen. They've already confirmed Blacklight Retribution, which I love to play and they've openly invited indie developers. Man I really think Microsoft dropped the ball on this one. They are trying way too hard to be an all in one device. What do you guys think?